Thursday, February 23, 2012

shopaholic(1) - A Shopaholic will always be a Shopaholic...

baru notice bahwa ternyata aku ga pernah nulis khusus tentang shopaholic
bukan, itu bukan virus gila belanja ato semacamnya
itu "kami", kami berarti . . . (hm, ga tau mau ngejelasin apa karena sukar dijabarkan dengan katakata)
yang jelas ada warna tersendiri yang istimewa dari setiap "kami"
berisi para wanita (maklum usia sudah semakin tak bisa di'diskon) yang masih seperti bocah ketika berkumpul :)
sekitar 10 tahun kebersamaan, benarbenar tidak terasa
tapi rasa bahagia itu selalu menyeruak ketika datang kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi, bertemu, bercanda, dan berber yang lain (hehehe)

menulis ini diawali dengan kegiatan korekkorek (harap positive thinking! bukan korekkorek kuping, sampah, upil, dsb)
diawali dengan buka laptop, berpikir untuk nonton dvd malam ini
caricari file dan menemukan 1 file nostalgia
nama filenya "B.INGG(XI A2)"
aku tau isinya, tentang life story anakanak sekelas jaman duduk di kelas dua dengan kostum putih abuabu
nenene...aku ga pingin bacabaca iseng semua (aku ga suka baca sumthing yang ga bergambar)
tapi aku jadi ingat kalo ada bagian dimana kita harus nyeritain tentang "friend"
akhirnya coba baca punya shopaholic
membaca dan tanpa sadar sudah tersenyum simpul
ada kepuasan tersendiri ketika tau bahwa kata itu ("shopaholic") eksis dan ada di sana
berikut cuplikannya dari masingmasing member (urut abjad karena di filenya juga gitu):
  1. Fonny :
    "And then, about my closest friend! They are “SHOPAHOLIC” (our Group’s name).  Our members are VW(ivana), C-Moy(semaya), MAMI(stefhani), Swikee(irlany), Ocheap(Olivia), and the last is Mpon(ME….!). We always doing something funny and freak together.  Sometimes we fight because of a problem, but we never become enemy because having enemy is not fun"
  2.  Irlany :
    "And about my best friends. I have five best friends. But the closest one and the one that I never wanted to lose it, I have two. Did you want to know about it? Yes, it was the Shopaholic’s group. There were Ivana, Ochip (Olivia), Fonny, Mami (Stephany), and Semaya. The one that I never wanted to lose it were Ochip and Ivana. I didn’t know why? I thought they were an awesome person. But all of them have a different characteristic. Yeah. ., sometimes they made my heart so painful and sometimes made me happy. But it was fun!"
  3. Ivana :
    "Hemm… Maybe it’s the best part of writing my autobiography. Yes, about friends! Since I’m kind of people who really respect a friendship, I loved talking about friends. For me, my best friends are more than just a friend. They are such sisters to whom I can tell my soul to.  I have 5 best friends, and fortunately we are in the same class now. We called ourselves SHOPAHOLIC. This is the BIG FIVE:
    1. Semaya Elizabeth ( C-Moy )
    2. Fonny Lestyana (bosan hidup, isaisa'e salah nulis namaku)
    3. Irlany Horyanto, who often called as “Swike”
    4. Olivia Wibisono ( O-cheap )
    5. Stefhani Kosasih, popular as “mami”
  4. Olivia :
    "A Shopaholic will always be a Shopaholic…

    Only them who can make me through bad days and taught me how to be tough, they’re ‘Shopaholic’. With them, I share my laugh and my tears. Shopaholic are my caring friend, Ivana called VW; my crazy friend, Semaya called Moi; my hilarious friend, Fonny called Mpon; my ridiculous friend, Irlany called Swike and my guardian angel, Stefhani called Mami. Each of them have their own personality which is unique and unpredictable. VW is a great person; she is a perfect-human-being for me, she care about people so much, even with strangers. Moi is totally crazy, she is unbelievable, her screaming is the one that I couldn’t forget. Mpon is s-m-a-r-t, the way she made a joke is truly original and fresh, no one can do the same. Swike is very unique, the way she care about people, the way she express her feelings, the way she think about stuff, she always know how to do it her way. Mami, she’s like my big-sister, she help me to arrange my stuff, she help me to do my job, she help me to figure out problems, she always be there for me.
    A Shopaholic will always be a Shopaholic…"
  5. Semaya :
    "Friends mean a lot to me, they are here with me when I’m sad or happy. They are always there for me, especially my friends in class XI-A2. In class XI-A2 there are my five best friends, we are in one group in one class. It has become our dream for a long time and now our dream comes true. We give a name for our group, Shopaholic. I don’t have any enemies, because I really – really love my friends… XP"
  6. Stefhani :
    "I only have 5 best friends. They are Ivana, Semaya, Olivia, Fonny, and Irlany. We called ourselves SHOPAHOLIC. Not because we have the same habit like its name. But because we feel SHOPAHOLIC is impressive to spell. However there are two persons among us that don’t join us anymore. SHOPAHOLIC is crazy, creative, funny, chatterbox, lively, and so on. I think our gang shows the girl power.
                    Let’s talk about our personnel. Ivana or VW is very mature, diligent, responsible, creative, friendly, and many more. I think she is kind of our big sister and become the good example for us. Semaya or C-moy is good in decoration. She is creative, funny, and active. Fonny or Mpon is cheerful; her talent is in public relation. Sometimes she makes me angry with her illogic joke because I’m a serious person. Olivia or Ocheap is an easy going person, very up too date about entertainment and games, brave, and logically. She is the youngest among us. Irlany or Swiqs is a care person. She always pays attention to us and to everybody."

*) sekarang sudah ada tambahan anggota, yaitu Rena(wati) ^_^

A Shopaholic will always be a Shopaholic...
-Olivia Wibisono (Ocheap)-